If asked what their gay and lesbian clients want in a home, many realtors will probably list some of the things that any buyer, no matter of his or her orientation, wants: a nice home, natural lighting, hardwood floors, high ceilings, and a good sized yard.  While it’s true that every buyer is going to want some of the same things, there are a few unique features that many LGBT buyers look for.  Here are a few of them.

What LGBT Home Buyers WantThe neighborhood and location are often very important to LGBT buyers.  Many want to live in their city’s gay district.  Barring that, they want a neighborhood that is fairly open and accepting of them.  They don’t want neighbors who may threaten their homes or their property.  For those with children, the school district their home is located in may be extremely important.  They’re looking for schools where children of LGBT couples will be accepted or protected from abuse.  They may look at things like crime statistics or the number of hate crimes that have occurred in an area.  If you’re a seller, it’s best to be aware of how your neighborhood ranks on these reports so if it’s brought up, it’s not a surprise.

Another location factor that sellers have little control over, but that plays a major part in many LGBT couples’ decisions is the legality of same-sex marriage.  Those who live in states where marriage is legal may find it much easier to sell property to LGBT couples simply because they will be able to enjoy more protection and rights to the property.

Despite the stereotypes, gay men are not always looking for homes that are very feminine or incredibly trendy.  Some simply want a small house that they can call home.  Likewise, not all lesbian couples want a workshop in the back yard or a big garage in which to park their trucks (although they may want some place to park their small car).  If you know you have potential LGBT buyers looking at your home, stress your home’s best features, not what you think they want to hear.  Stereotypes may be correct at times, but they’re also very incorrect at times, too.

If you do want to market your home to an LGBT audience, the best thing to do is to make your home look as good as possible.  Like any buyer, gays and lesbians simply want to purchase a good property that will serve as a home for them and their family.