Looking at a house involves a lot more than just looking.  Any great realtor will tell you that you need to do more than a cursory once-over of a home before you buy it.  In fact, many will tell you that you need to look at a house at least a few times before signing on the bottom line.  If you’ve never bought a home before, though, you might not know what all you need to look for.  While a great realtor will make certain you do, it never hurts to have a list of your own.  Here are some things to be sure to check when looking at any prospective property.

Check Your New HomeBe sure to check all of the faucets to make certain the water is running.  If the house has sat empty for several months, it may take a few seconds for the water to start.  It might also have a tint to it or have air in the lines, but that’s okay as long as it works itself out after a minute or so.  Check the sinks, the showers, the bathtubs, and the toilets to make certain everything works fine.

Likewise, turn on all the lights.  Later, if you’re absolutely certain you want the house, you wouldn’t be amiss to take a lamp or other small electrical device around to every outlet to make certain they all work.

Look at all of the windows, especially the ones behind curtains or blinds.  Any window that has a crack in it should be replaced by the sellers before the closing.  Likewise, also check that all windows can be opened.  Some people seal up windows they don’t plan on ever opening, but you should have at least one window in every room you can open just in case you need to get out of the house that way (such as during a fire).

Look in all cabinets and closets.  Check the corners and look on any shelves just to make certain everything is as it should be.  Check for any signs of water damage under the sinks and on the floor around the washing machine. Also, if you need help to keep your washing machine spinning 365 days a year, then you can check out a good service like Appliance Hunter for your best preferences! In addition, doing the electrical appliance testers is a big help for you to ensure that the washing machine passes the standard requirements needed.

Make certain the outside doors shut tightly.  If you can see a lot of daylight around the door or feel cold air coming through, it may need a new seal.

Some of these things sound fairly minor, but remember that once the papers are signed, the house and any problems it might have are yours to deal with.  You want to make certain the seller has a list of all the things you want fixed well in advance so they can be done before the closing.