If you’re getting ready to move, you’re probably in one of two situations: either you’re moving first and then finding a job in the area, or you’re moving for a job or some other reason that doesn’t give you a chance to pick out your new home city.  If you don’t really have a choice in where you’re moving, you may end up in an area that’s less than LGBT-friendly.  If you find yourself in a fairly conservative city, know that it’s not completely hopeless.

Finding the Right Real Estate AgentFirst of all, check to see if there’s a gay or lesbian real estate agent who works in the city.  You might be surprised to find that there is.  Even in the most conservative city, there are some LGBT people.  At the very least you can find a LGBT-friendly realtor to help you find a house.

Many good-sized cities have gay districts.  Even in conservative states like Oklahoma and Texas, there are liberal areas.  San Antonio, Texas, for example, is quite liberal.  So are Dallas and Houston.  In Oklahoma, Tulsa is fairly liberal.  Oklahoma City, despite being home to a very conservative state governor, also has a growing gay district.  There are places like this all over the country if you know where to look for them.  That’s why finding a good gay or lesbian realtor is a must for some moves.

There may not always be a gay district in your new home, or you may not want to live in that area.  That’s okay.  If that’s the case, you can talk to your realtor about other areas that may be very friendly, but aren’t necessarily “gay ghettos.”  There are a lot of progressive neighborhoods that are made up of a diverse number of people that may be perfect for you and your family.

Another area in which your realtor can help you is in learning about the state laws regarding LGBT people.  Does the state protect you from being fired if your employer learns of your sexuality?  Can you legally get married in the state or file for a domestic partnership?  You may also want to ask about LGBT-owned businesses, special interest groups, or sports teams.  You could also ask if there’s a gay newspaper published in the area.

If you’re relocating to a conservative area, remember that even in the most unlikely of places, you’ll find people willing to help you out.  Your realtor has a huge amount of information available that you should certainly take advantage of.